Tuesday 15 January 2008

Soon to leave

And so my time here is nearly over. As the news filters out in the hospital most people have been saying such nice things to me and sometimes begging me to stay longer. Its difficult to explain to them the ease with which i can move on somewhere else, but its easier for me to comprehend why i can't stay here much longer. Long live the great maroon British passport!!
One friend said to me "why can't all doctors be as much fun as you", its nice to be unique!
I've been looking after the Paediatric ward since New Years and i think this has finally broken me. The african kids are so adorable and beautiful, not very playful and often they die on me. Its heartbreaking and despite all my best efforts a few die every week. I was so angry last week having worked all night on a girl with heart disease, stabilised her and got her transferred to the referral hospital. When the paramedics picked her up she waved goodbye to me and said "bye bye uncle dokotela".. i was so touched. But to my horror she was sent back the same day and then passed away the next day. I was so gutted!
Its heating up here now too and what with no running water life is becoming a real struggle. I honestly cannot wait to hit Melbourne with all its creature comforts there...good coffee, bars, women.. I don't know whether its because i'm leaving (or getting desparate!) but i've noticed more and more beautiful Zulu women here. I really need a girlfriend - yeah thats right the Aussies better beware!
I'll probably post one more before i go - hope everyone is well

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