Tuesday 1 January 2008

A New Year

Happy New Year to everyone reading this. I've a feeling i'm going to have an awesome 2008, although 2007 will take some beating. I started the year caning it in Melbourne, holidayed in Koh Phi Phi, went to Liverpool to do a life changing course in Tropical Medicine, a few months living a great life in Brighton before coming out to rural South Africa. Wow - all in 1 year. Dr Bob's life is never dull and long may that continue (although laying down a few roots is a priority for 2008).
So i was "on call" for New Years Eve and Day. Although it was horrific the volume of work wasn't as much as i'd feared. The highlight for me was at 0430 as i stood on the steps to the hospital watching an amazing African sunrise over the mountains. The colours of orange, yellow, red and amazing deep blue sky are so beautiful, like nowhere else on earth. It was like a little oasis during a night of such savage carnage. I saw far too many people in whose hands their fireworks had exploded, and got a great view of a boy's skull from the beating he'd taken. As well as this i'd seen a man who'd shot himself in the head a few days earlier so its been a pretty gruesome few days.
Sorry if this is too much detail for some of you but i'm using this as a personal diary too, and its good to be able to express some of my emotions about all of this.
Its blazing hot today, perfect for sitting with an ice drink and reading in the shade. I've only got 4 weeks left here, in what has been a most amazing, life changing experience.

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